
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Crochet a day.

My Luvs!!!!

Wow! What a long day. I had an order to put out (which I love to do!) which was all about the Chevron pattern. My friends mom picked out some beautiful colors. Dark Purple, Olive, Tan, and Black. Let me know what you think.

I like the colors and I definitely had a great time making it.

So! What I did today other than this was concentrate on m y crochet so here are 3 tutorials. Hearts, flowers and bows. Then I'll show you how I did. ;)

This is how mine came out:

This was so much easier than I thought. These girls give great tutorials. Both this one and the next one is theirs.



Here's the link to their site. They have a lot of really cool tutorials and well I just think they're interesting all around.: Little Birdie Secrets

Lastly the bows. OMG!!!! Did this take me forever!!!!

Here's Mine:

Anyway my darlings this is what I have been up to today! Don't forget to find us on facebook

And stop by the shop to look around: Lil Miss Obsessed Shop

All my luv!!!

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