
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

To Infinity and Beyond.

Salutations my luvs!!!
Today's project is the infinity scarf.
If you're a seasoned vet crocheter then you know scarfs can be made out of just about any yarn (if not any) with any size crochet hook and can be made in millions of styles.

I, however, am not a seasoned vet. I've been crocheting for about 3 months, almost 4. So all of my scarfs were single crochet(sc), double crochet(dc), half double (hdc), or triple crochet (t) all the way through. I've learned to both start the long way by doing length first and working that way or by starting width way and making it long. Either way works for me, really.

Anyway, I was getting kind of bored with doing a single type of crochet all the way through and I wanted something a little different. So naturally I went to youtube and found this:

She doesn't say what type of yarn she uses but she mentions the size hook.
I got a little confused at first as to which stitch she was working in but after watching a few times I got a hang of it.

You can watch more of her videos at:

So this is how mine turned out:

I used a bulky weight yarn and a 9mm crochet hook.

I absolutely love it!!! Traceybeauty also has a really cool tutorial for a chunky hat. Which is super cute and is going to be my next project.


Monday, November 21, 2011

It's Scoodie TIME!!!!

Hey my Bu's!!!
Sorry I haven't been posting I've actually had alot of orders to fill. (YAY!!!)

Anywho...I've been working on a few things this week. Mainly SCOODIES! Yes, it's a scarf...yes, it's a hoodie...its...a..SCOODIE! LOL
I saw it and it made me think of a friend of mine so I had to make it for her. Here's the link:

There's two parts and they can be found on youtube

I however did not use two strands of yarn. I used one.
  • Wool-Ease from Lion Brand Yarn (3)
  • (I think) It is a five.
  • I used a 9 mm crochet hook
  • And I bought this all at Joanns Fabrics

This chick is super cool. I've learned alot by subscribing to her on youtube. So enjoy!

If you don't want to make your own you can always go to my store and order one, or email me at I'd be more than happy to make one for you.

BTW! This is how mine turned out:

I know you can't see it all too well. But I'll be posting pics with a model later on.


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Crochet a day.

My Luvs!!!!

Wow! What a long day. I had an order to put out (which I love to do!) which was all about the Chevron pattern. My friends mom picked out some beautiful colors. Dark Purple, Olive, Tan, and Black. Let me know what you think.

I like the colors and I definitely had a great time making it.

So! What I did today other than this was concentrate on m y crochet so here are 3 tutorials. Hearts, flowers and bows. Then I'll show you how I did. ;)

This is how mine came out:

This was so much easier than I thought. These girls give great tutorials. Both this one and the next one is theirs.



Here's the link to their site. They have a lot of really cool tutorials and well I just think they're interesting all around.: Little Birdie Secrets

Lastly the bows. OMG!!!! Did this take me forever!!!!

Here's Mine:

Anyway my darlings this is what I have been up to today! Don't forget to find us on facebook

And stop by the shop to look around: Lil Miss Obsessed Shop

All my luv!!!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Hey my luvs!!!

This is my first post. I'm so excited!!!
Anyway, today I launch both my blog and my online store. Could I be more blessed?
So, what are you going to find here????
Crafts, crafts and more crafts!

Right now I'm into making bracelets, but later there will be a wide range of things. (just bare with me)

I thought  as my first blog I'd show you guys how to make my heart bracelet...well..not
It's a heart two toned friendship bracelet. I absolutely <3 it! Hope you guys like!

This was by BeyondBracelets. You can catch her on youtube. She's pretty awesome.

Hugs N Kisses!!!!