
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Talking Up a Stich


     I personally am obsessed (haha get it) with cell phone AND cell phone accessories. So of course, when I taught myself to crochet, I had to make the perfect cell phone case. I went onto  typed in cell phone cases and went to work on my own. 

I can not post instructions on how to make other peoples but I can posts links to their sites!

This one I like  how it starts off the cell phone case. I love the rounded edges, button and flower, super cute I made one off of this pattern and put a cute skull iron on. (Pictures later)

This one I like because it's simple and cute can be used for guys or girl. Great pattern!


I like the long button hole loop and button.

I know... I know.... you're wondering about mine...well I kinda combined all three. HERE IT IS!!!

I started it off like cell phone 1. Except I did it the long way instead because I wanted it to open on the side.
I made a full flap but didn't round out the edges and made a chained button hole like on cell phone 3. I used single tight crochet like on cell phone 2 to give it it that nice professional look. I added two buttons (one on top of the other) and created your basic crochet flower. I sewed the flower onto the chain button hole loop. All of this so when I close the cell phone case the two buttons become the center of the flower. I HEART IT! LOL. 

I'm still considering wether or not to put a wristlet thingy on it...but we'll see.

Ok my luvs!!

Have fun making your own and send me pictures of what you came up with.


Lil Miss Obsessed